– If you live in a furnished house or apartment, you will be very familiar with modern platform bed because due to many aspects such as size and styles, this bed is suitable for modern style. However it does not mean that another style of the house cannot put this on the bed room. Here are some things that you have to keep in your mind when you want to buy it and what you can do with it
Size is Matter
Since this bed is not cheap, so you need to learn some things so you will not be disappointed with your purchase. First is the size. This bed has some sizes such as twin bed which has 75 inches in height and 39 inches in width, long single bed which has 80 inches in height and 39 in width, full bed (75 in length and 54 in height, and the biggest one is the Californian King Bed which has 84 in length and 74 in width. Next is the platform. Different platform can affect where it can be put such as mate’s bed is good for limited space
Some Things To Remember
The benefit of buying this kind of bed is it does not have a box spring, the price of the bed is cheaper and it is easy to be moved anywhere, but you must be careful to buy some types of this bed. If you choose the one with canopy, watch out your ceiling. Place it in the highest part one so it will not be bothered the lighting. Choose the adjusted one is better so you can arrange the suitable height of the bed